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The Innovation of Tesla Powerwall: Why it is our battery storage of choice

Date added: Thu 09 May 2024

In the age of sustainable living and energy independence, the Tesla Powerwall 2 stands out as a beacon of innovation. This revolutionary home battery system is not just about storing energy; it's about transforming the way we power our homes and our behaviours around energy usage. Here we discuss some of our favourite features, what sets it apart in the market and why it is our chosen battery storage.



The Features

1. Energy Storage Excellence:

  •   The Powerwall 2 boasts a massive storage capacity of 13.5 kWh, ensuring that your home has access to ample power whenever it's needed.


2. Seamless Integration:

  • Designed to seamlessly integrate with both new and existing solar installations, the Powerwall 2 optimises energy consumption, allowing you to maximise your solar investment.


3. Sustainable Energy:

  • With its lithium-ion battery technology and sleek, compact design, the Powerwall 2 enables homeowners to harness clean, renewable energy, reducing their carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels.


4. Reliable Backup Power:

  • In the event of a grid outage, the Powerwall 2 automatically kicks in, providing uninterrupted power to essential appliances and ensuring peace of mind during emergencies.


This ability also grants users independence from the grid by using only their generated solar energy in their home. If you are striving for a net-zero home or business, this feature is key!


5. Scalability:

  • Need more power? No problem. Multiple Powerwall units can be installed together to meet the specific energy needs of any household, offering unparalleled scalability.


We recently installed 9 Powerwall 2 in a larger rural property to offset their energy usage and grant them more independence!


6. Output Capabilities 

  • Not only can you keep your generated solar energy for later use but you can also sell excess back to the grid to earn you money. This is done automatically and is only possible on applicable energy tariffs. 


Setting it Apart

While there are other home battery solutions on the market, the Tesla Powerwall 2 stands out for several reasons:


1. Efficiency:

  • With an efficiency rating of over 90%, the Powerwall 2 outperforms many competing batteries, ensuring optimal energy utilisation and cost savings over time.


2. Cutting-Edge Technology:

  • Tesla's expertise in battery technology and renewable energy innovation shines through in the Powerwall 2, delivering state-of-the-art performance and reliability.


3. User-Friendly Interface:

  • The Powerwall 2 is equipped with an intuitive mobile app that allows homeowners to:

- Monitor real-time energy production and consumption 

- Track historical data to optimise energy usage

- Receive alerts and notifications about power outages and system status

- Customise settings and preferences to suit their lifestyle and energy needs


The Powerwall 2 stands out as one of the few batteries on the market offering real-time energy usage data. This feature goes beyond merely indicating which appliances consume the most energy; it provides homeowners with insightful information to make informed decisions about their energy habits. By displaying precise consumption data in real-time, the Powerwall 2 facilitates a deeper understanding of energy usage patterns, enabling users to optimise their habits for greater efficiency and savings. 


4. Warranty and Support:

  • Backed by Tesla's renowned warranty and customer support, the Powerwall 2 offers peace of mind and assurance that your investment is protected for years to come.


5. Become a part of The Natural Energy Company’s Powerwall family

When we install a Powerwall at your property, we gain the ability to closely monitor your energy usage and promptly identify any issues through our intuitive online portal. This streamlined process enhances our support capabilities, ensuring swift resolution should any concerns arise. 


Moreover, this monitoring capability enables us to analyse your energy usage patterns comprehensively. By pinpointing areas of potential improvement, we can offer personalised advice on reducing energy consumption, ultimately leading to significant cost savings for you.



Why We Recommend It:

At The Natural Energy Company, we wholeheartedly recommend the Tesla Powerwall 2 for homeowners looking to take control of their energy usage, reduce their carbon footprint, and enhance their energy resilience. With its cutting-edge technology, seamless integration, and user-friendly interface, the Powerwall 2 represents the pinnacle of home battery innovation. Plus, with Tesla's commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction, you can trust that you\'re investing in a product that's not only revolutionizing the way we power our homes but also shaping the future of energy worldwide.


Ready to power your home with the Tesla Powerwall 2? Contact us today to learn more about installation options, pricing, and how you can join our Powerwall family.
