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Our April Favourites

Date added: Mon 13 May 2024

Welcome to The Natural Energy Company’s April favourites!





Favourite Reads

  • “It’s not that radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World” by Mikaela Loach

"It’s Not That Radical: Climate Action to Transform Our World" by Mikaela Loach is a comprehensive guide that reframes climate activism as accessible and urgent for everyone. Loach explores the intersectionality of climate justice, highlighting the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalised communities. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, she empowers readers to take meaningful action, emphasizing the importance of individual and collective efforts in mitigating climate change. From sustainable lifestyle changes to political activism, Loach offers a roadmap for transforming our world and creating a more equitable and sustainable future.

This book is for everyone and anyone, especially those who wish to make a difference but have no idea where to start!


  • "How Bad Are Bananas?: The carbon footprint of everything" by Mike Berners-Lee

"How Bad Are Bananas?: The Carbon Footprint of Everything" by Mike Berners-Lee is a captivating exploration of the environmental impact of everyday activities. Berners-Lee examines the carbon footprint of various actions, products, and services, providing readers with valuable insights into the environmental consequences of their choices. From transportation and food to technology and consumer goods, he offers a comprehensive overview of the carbon emissions associated with different aspects of modern life. Through accessible explanations and engaging analysis, Berners-Lee prompts readers to rethink their consumption patterns and encourages them to make more sustainable decisions to reduce their carbon footprint.

A brilliant read for anyone wondering what carbon footprint their lifestyle actually has!


Favourite Watches

  • Cornwall Climate Care

Cornwall Climate Care is a company dedicated to addressing climate change through a range of initiatives and services. Based in Cornwall, UK, they focus on empowering individuals, businesses, and communities to take action towards a more sustainable future. The company offers a variety of services, including carbon footprint assessments, energy efficiency consultations, and sustainability workshops. They work closely with clients to develop customised strategies for reducing carbon emissions and minimising environmental impact. Additionally, Cornwall Climate Care engages in advocacy and education efforts to raise awareness about climate change and promote sustainable practices. Through their comprehensive approach, they aim to inspire positive change and contribute to building a more resilient and environmentally friendly society.

Cornwall Climate Care is renowned for its captivating climate-focused short films, serving as powerful calls to action. These visually stunning productions encompass diverse perspectives and topics, making them essential viewing for audiences of all backgrounds. You can explore their compelling short films on their YouTube channel linked below:

  • "2040", 2019

"2040" is a thought-provoking documentary directed by Damon Gameau, released in 2019. Rather than focusing solely on the dire consequences of climate change, Gameau takes a refreshingly optimistic approach by envisioning a positive future for the planet in the year 2040. Through a blend of factual information, imaginative storytelling, and visually stunning animations, the film explores innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing environmental issues. Gameau travels the world to showcase real-life examples of renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and technological advancements that have the potential to transform our society and mitigate climate change. By presenting tangible strategies and inspiring narratives, "2040" encourages viewers to feel empowered to take action and become part of the solution in creating a better world for future generations.


Amidst the often disheartening narratives surrounding climate change in today's media landscape, '2040' offers a sense of hope. The film is presented by a non-expert which is tailored for non-experts, illustrating a vision of a positive future within reach. The team loved this documentary and we recommend it to everyone to watch to feel inspired once again.