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Community Led Eco Projects: Why they matter

Date added: Wed 15 May 2024

In today's world, where environmental challenges loom large and the need for sustainable solutions is more pressing than ever, community eco projects offer a beacon of hope. From neighbourhood clean-up initiatives to renewable energy cooperatives, these projects empower individuals to make a tangible difference in their communities and the world at large. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's important to get involved in community eco projects and what opportunities local to us you can get involved with. 


Why are they important?


1. Building Stronger Communities:

Community eco projects unite residents, fostering solidarity and connections through shared activities like tree planting or community gardens. By rallying around common goals, communities become resilient and better equipped to address environmental challenges.

Another remarkable outcome of participating in community eco projects is their role in combating loneliness. By joining these initiatives, not only can you contribute to the betterment of our planet, but you also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for environmental sustainability.

2. Making a Positive Impact:

Engagement in community eco projects enables individuals to directly improve their local environment. Actions such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and habitat restoration collectively contribute to a healthier planet, leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

3. Learning and Education:

Community eco projects offer hands-on learning experiences in sustainable practices, from composting to renewable energy. By sharing knowledge and skills, participants empower themselves and others to make informed decisions and take action for environmental protection. This is especially important for the little ones who will be the change makers of the future!

4. Promoting Environmental Justice:

These projects are vital for ensuring equitable access to clean air, water, and green spaces for all members of society. By addressing environmental issues in underserved communities, participants advocate for fairness and amplify the voices of marginalised groups, promoting a more just and sustainable future.

5. Inspiring Global Change:

Community eco projects serve as models of sustainability and grassroots activism, inspiring others to take action in their own communities. Through collaboration and solidarity, these initiatives create a ripple effect that drives positive change worldwide.


What community led projects are near you?

1. Forgan Arts Centre: Since 2022, Forgan Arts Centre has spearheaded a Community Gardening Plot in Newport-on-Tay, providing a space for those without gardens or the time for year-round plot maintenance. Through environmentally conscious gardening methods, this initiative enables locals to collectively cultivate fresh vegetables and foster a sense of community.



2. Transition Dundee is a community-led social enterprise dedicated to fostering sustainability, health, and happiness in Dundee. Their mission involves empowering future generations and nurturing the environment for flourishing. Through climate-focused projects, they aim to raise awareness, build knowledge, and foster community engagement. Importantly, they emphasise the inclusion of everyone in the climate discussion and action for a more sustainable future. 

Ways you can get involved:

  1. Community Fridge: This is a pay-as you feel project aiming to reduce food waste in Dundee. If you can’t afford to pay today then no problem!

  2. The Wardrobe: A second-hand store with a difference! The focus is REDUCE, REPAIR, SHARE, with opportunities to have your own clothes mended, buy lovely second-hand pieces at discounted prices or explore their free rail to reduce clothing waste.

  3. Gleaning: Their latest endeavour focuses on addressing food waste resulting from farming practices. Following the farmers' harvest, Transition volunteers diligently collect any remaining produce that may have been overlooked. This effort helps minimise food waste and ensures that valuable resources are utilised efficiently.

3. Friends of the Earth UK is an environmental organisation dedicated to advocating for solutions to pressing environmental issues. They work to promote sustainable practices, protect natural habitats, and campaign for policies that address climate change, biodiversity loss, and other environmental challenges. Through grassroots activism, research, and community engagement, Friends of the Earth strives to create a more sustainable and equitable world for future generations.

On the Friends of the Earth website you can find a directory of community projects local to you that you can get involved with!


Whether it be giving up an hour of your month or multiple evenings a week, whatever time you can spare, consider getting involved in a sustainable project in your community!