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Celebrating the Great Big Green Week: Join Us in Creating a Sustainable Future

Date added: Tue 11 Jun 2024

We are excited to spotlight a significant event happening this week that unites communities across the UK for a greener and more sustainable future: the Great Big Green Week. Organised by The Climate Coalition, this week-long celebration is dedicated to raising awareness about climate change and encouraging collective action. Let's explore what makes the Great Big Green Week so impactful and how you can get involved.


What is the Great Big Green Week?

The Great Big Green Week, taking place from 8th-16th June, is the UK’s largest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. The event features thousands of activities, from nationwide initiatives to local events, all aimed at driving positive environmental change. It’s a chance for everyone, from individuals to large organisations, to demonstrate their commitment to the planet and inspire others to do the same.


Why the Great Big Green Week Matters

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly evident, from more frequent extreme weather events to the loss of biodiversity. The Great Big Green Week emphasizes the urgent need for climate action and provides a platform for communities to showcase their efforts. By participating, you become part of a nationwide movement working towards a sustainable future, ensuring that our planet remains habitable for generations to come.


How to Get Involved

There are numerous ways to participate in the Great Big Green Week, whether you are an individual, a business, or part of a community group. Here are some ideas to inspire your involvement:


  1. Attend Local Events: Check out the Great Big Green Week website to find events happening near you. From clean-up drives and tree planting to workshops and talks, there’s something for everyone.

  2. Host Your Own Event: If you don't see an event in your area, why not organise one? The Great Big Green Week website offers resources to help you plan and promote your event, whether it\'s a community garden project, a green fair, or a sustainability workshop.

  3. Raise Awareness: Use your voice on social media to spread the word about the Great Big Green Week and the importance of climate action. Share information, post about your activities, and engage with others using the hashtag #GreatBigGreenWeek.

  4. Support Sustainable Practices: Make a conscious effort to adopt more sustainable habits. This could include reducing your energy consumption, cutting down on single-use plastics, or supporting eco-friendly businesses.

  5. Share your swaps! One of the key themes of The Great Big Green Week is the power of inspiration. By making more sustainable choices in your own life, you can inspire others to do the same. Have you swapped your liquid shampoo for a solid shampoo bar? Replaced your gas boiler with a heat pump? Whatever changes you've made, let people know! Share your sustainable swaps on social media using the hashtag #swaptogether, and let's keep the wave of positive environmental changes growing strong. Your actions can motivate others to join the movement towards a more sustainable future!

  6. Advocate for Policy Change: Write to your local representatives and urge them to take stronger action on climate change. Collective pressure from citizens can lead to significant policy shifts.


What We’re Doing at The Natural Energy Company

At The Natural Energy Company, our commitment to promoting renewable energy and sustainable living is at the heart of everything we do. In our showroom, in addition to a variety of renewable technologies, you'll find a wide range of eco-friendly products designed to help you transition to a greener lifestyle. From swapping out everyday items with sustainable alternatives to offering refills that reduce your dependency on single-use plastics, we make it easy to make positive changes.


To celebrate The Great Big Green Week, we're offering 10% off all eco products and refills. It's our way of inspiring and supporting you in making more sustainable choices. Visit us this week to explore our selection and take advantage of these special savings. Together, we can make a significant impact on the environment and move towards a more sustainable future.


Remember to share your swap using #swaptogether on your socials to inspire others!


Join the Movement

The Great Big Green Week is a powerful reminder of what we can achieve when we come together for a common cause. By participating, you are contributing to a collective effort that has the potential to drive significant environmental change. We encourage you to join us in celebrating this important week and take action for a greener future.


Stay updated with activities going on this week at Here you can also read Swap Stories from across the UK!